Why Cleanse Gently, With The Moon?

Our bodies are sensitive and divine systems of intuitive creation
that move from new moon to full moon and back
— the waters of our bodies and emotions move like the tides.

Digestion is an energy-consuming process, and a vast amount of our bodily health stems from our ‘gut’.

In fact, clarity within our digestive tract actually helps us understand what out ‘gut’ is telling us!

Heavier foods tax our system and carry toxins that a gentle liquid cleanse can help release without
experiencing uncomfortable symptoms or having to change your schedule (though it is best to slow down on these days)!

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Our 3 Most Potent Cleanse Days:

NEW MOON (1st day of the lunar cycle):
Our energy is lowest, women historically menstruated, together on the dark moon and often still do.

11TH DAY (of the lunar cycle):
Our glandular system is reseting and metabolism is changing and rebalancing.

FULL MOON (14th day of the lunar cycle):
This is your most accelerated point and bodily secretions are also high.



Tones & supports the liver:
Our largest organ besides skin, performs hundreds of functions including detoxification, digestion and metabolism.


• Improves: Energy, mood, mind, skin, sleep, digestion, inflammation and immunity.


• Reduces: Pain, cravings and weight gain.


Does not deplete: Harsher cleanses can affect us negatively, gentle cleanse helps us understand what is best in the moment.


Releasing the load: Supporting our digestive system on these days can dramatically enhance our vitality and emotional health!

Cleasne & Detox Options:

• No food or water.
The most extreme — modify as needed.


• Plain and Lemon Water (use a straw to protect tooth enamel).
This is a great tool to use everyday – especially on waking as lemon is powerfully alkalizing!


• Liquids:
Fresh squeezed, organic juices and blended soups. This is a great way to remove stress from the digestive system and works for those super sensitive to calorie restriction or with blood sugar imbalances.


• Kitchari Cleanse: 
Mung beans and rice – an ancient Ayurvedic recipe that provides total nourishment AND total EASE to the digestive tract. Powerful! https://www.3ho.org/recipe/kitcheree-mung-beans-rice/


• Daytime Fasting:
Ending the fast once the sun goes down is an option at any time. Finding the perfect balance for ourselves is an entirely internal process ~ ENJOY THE PROCESS!

Get gentle lunar cleanse reminders and so much more with the SatMom App & SatMom Social!

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