Feminine & Masculine
Polarity AND Complimentary, Yin & Yang

Feminine and masculine are not just gender formats to our physical operating systems. Actually, feminine and masculine energies exist in unique balances in each of us.


We’ve experienced many millennia of trauma related to our feminine expression, which suppresses and damages ALL of us, men very much included.


Suppression and demonization of deep feminine attributes has put us at odds with our selves, and causes us to negate the very process of self healing because they’ve taken our power to stay with the contrast.


Instead we are coached all our lives to project, blame and take no responsibility for our own sensitivity, power and livelihood.

Men & The Sacred Masculine


Men carry the linear, focused energy of the sun, and are ‘solar’ beings. Emotionally, men move so fast they appear to shift monthly, with the sun. 


Having a one-track mind, creates a high capacity for focus and the ability to push through to conquer an obstacle. (Think of the singular focus and motivation of sperm to illustrate this.)


Innate gifts of our masculine polarity lie in linear thinking, problem solving, resilience, strength and personal structure.

Wom(b)en & The Sacred Feminine

Women are innately designed for life giving, are cyclical (or circular) energetically, like the moon, and are ‘lunar’ in nature.


Like an egg, she is self sustaining. The ‘going after’ or ‘fighting for’ only drains her energy and steals her power from innate blessing she is to problem. And where we focus is where we grow.


Gifted a second ‘arcline’ from nipple to nipple and the intuitive strength to see much more deeply, women are natural oracles who connect deeply and seek deep connection.


With deep connection, sensitivity, and a 6-track mind, women have the potential for incredible strength and clarity — and ALSO the potential for incredible CHAOS. We really have to know ourselves, and choose, or we will end up reaping the consequences of our own inner chaos. The mind of a woman generally is more susceptible to negative stories and for ‘spinning them out’ in create=ive and not necessarily accurate ways. 


A women’s energy is the ‘seed’ energy of the household and thus the community as well. When we really learn ourselves and how to care for ourselves well, we create emotional well-being. Being able to counsel and realign ourselves is the biggest blessing we can give ourselves, our family and our community.

How Do We Return to Beauty, Love, Wisdom and Flow ~
Out of the Inner Muck & Creepy Shadows​?

Shadow Work & Inner Child Healing!

Bringing our inner Masculine and Feminine safely back in to union.
Alchemising trauma stored in the subconscious and body.
Showing up for ourselves in our wounded areas.
Releasing misconceptions about our Divine Blueprint!

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