Summer Solstice Events 2023

Dive into your summer solstice with our 2-day event


Location: Open Sky Studio, 8B Main St., Bristol, VT USA 

Zoom Link For All Events:
(Please only log in at time of event! Check you timezone here.)

Meeting ID: 377 733 7773     |     Passcode: satmom


Suggested donation: $15/event  or Venmo @CholenaKasa

Tuesday June 20, 8 – 9:30 PM, EST

Solstice Ritual & In-body-ment Circle with Priya & Cholena

Rise in your feminine with a ritual women’s circle from the Magdalene lineage with our Mayan Priestess sister (and more) Sirius Priya Xitlali and Sensual Self-healing In-Body-Ment Practice with Cholena!

Let us come together during this Solstice celebration. Re-Membering that you are your own Sol, Sun. Stand in stillness. Simmer in your Essence. The one that initiates you into your Souls Dance. May you Re-Member who you are Queen.

We will dance with the directions, calling in our Prayers. The Sun radiates its light because you exist.
You are a mirror of the beauty it illuminates. All outside of us, is inside.
In Lak’Esh Ala’Kin

What to bring or wear (optional):
Journal, pen/pencil. Water, tea or cacao. Candle, smudge, incense or essential oil.
Celebrate yourself! Dress in any way that feels delightful (Gold face tattoos-in person only!)
Wear a scarf, dress or anything that feels sacred to you.
Ensure you have space on the floor to lie down (a firm bed or couch is ok but the floor is better).
Create a cozy space on the floor and have room for dancing or movement.
Most importantly, bring your Beautiful Heart. 

Add your voice, your presence, be seen and heard, share space with sisters worldwide!

Event Replay:

Wednesday June 21, 9 – 11 AM, EST

Kundalini Activation & Sound Bath with Cholena & Abby

Kundalini practice can be one of the most transformative ways to work with these powerful solstice days.

This practice meets us where we are and is accessible and highly effective for all of our various human operating systems.

We will use kriya, breath, mantra and meditation to cultivate a total experience of your own divinity, your Full Self. This systematically pressurizes and releases the area within our system that held old, painful paradigms, creating space to receive your Truth, your Sat Nam.

At the end, we get to relax into a blessed sound bath with Abby Cencek to allow the inner calibration!

Dress comfortably, have water, cushions, blanket, eye pillow or chair if desired!

Replay & Soundbath Video:
Wednesday June 21, 10 – 10:45 PM, EST — ZOOM ONLY!

Cacao Ceremony with Hari Sant (Johanna Cedarstam)

Solstice Evening Cacao Ceremony with Hari Sant!

Culminating our solstice offering this year, Hari Sant will be coming in with a cacao ceremony to heal and open our hearts, setting the intention and the space that we intend to hold for ourselves and our world for the next 6 months!

From friends and clients, I have been hearing one phrase lately that really resonates: “I broke my own heart.”
One of my friends even had a heart attack! 

The realm of EMOTION and ‘heartbreak’ pertains to the 0-7 year old inner child.
So when we feel that we have broken our own heart, we have really broken the heart of our own inner child, and there is something that she/he wants back to feel whole again.

Only we can provide this for ourselves, for only in disowning divine parts of ourselves do our hearts break.
And only in taking the time to show up and return that love to ourselves do we heal.

Join this beautiful ceremony, led by our amazing sister Hari Sant, to reconnect with your own heart and begin your journey back to a whole, resilient and exuberant heart!

Prepare your cacao in advance and put it in a mug that will keep it warm — so you can sip with leisure:
Here is a recipe – if you don’t have all the ingredients, pick them up now, or simply go with what you have on hand. 
Here is a link to buy ceremonial cacao.

Event Replay:

Thursday June 22, 7 PM, EST — ZOOM ONLY!

Activate Your Radiance Through Sensuality

“Activate your radiance through sensuality”  is a devotion to the mysteries of the divine  feminine.

Join Jessica Angileri, Feminine Embodiment and Pleasure Love Priestess for a Sensual healing feminine  ritual.
Together we will embrace the feminine, worship your body as the Goddess and be devoted to the sensual path
for presence, for receiving, for beauty and radiating love – which is truth.

We will remember our love, pleasure and infinite beauty through our body, through a feminine anointing practice
using the gifts of mother earth and through sensual movement, for this is how we celebrate our divine light.
You are the GIFT.

May we walk this path in devotion to your feminine expression, your body, your sensuality,
and your pleasure to remember your Queen codes.

What to bring and wear:
– Water or tea to drink, a candle
– Water in bowl, Rose/ or any flower you connect with, essential oil
-Dress in a way that makes you feel connected, sensual, sexy
(ideally something where you can easily touch your womb for the anointing).
You are the Queen and we are here to celebrate that!
-Ensure you have space on the floor and room for movement/dance
-You can have a yoga mat and pillow to lean on as we will be on our knees
– Chair for the dance

Most importantly, bring your beautiful heart and open mind.

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